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Características principales

Título del libro
The Red Scrolls of Magic
Cassandra Clare
Editorial del libro
Margaret K. McElderry Books
Tapa del libro
Año de publicación

Otras características

  • Cantidad de páginas: 384

  • Altura: 21 cm

  • Ancho: 14 cm

  • Peso: 295 g

  • Género del libro: Ficción

  • Tipo de narración: FICCION

  • Edad mínima recomendada: 10 años

  • Edad máxima recomendada: 99 años

  • ISBN: 9781481495097




All Magnus Bane wanted was a vacation--a lavish trip across Europe with Alec Lightwood, the Shadowhunter who against all odds is finally his boyfriend. But as soon as the pair settles in Paris, an old friend arrives with news about a demon-worshipping cult called the Crimson Hand that is bent on causing chaos around the world. A cult that was apparently founded by Magnus himself. Years ago. As a joke.

Now Magnus and Alec must race across Europe to track down the Crimson Hand before the cult can cause any more damage.

Demons are now dogging their every step, and it is becoming harder to tell friend from foe.

As their quest for answers becomes increasingly dire, Magnus and Alec will have to trust each other more than ever--even if it means revealing the secrets they've both been keeping.



Pasta blanda: 384 páginas
Editor: Margaret K. McElderry Books (5 de mayo de 2020)
Idioma: Inglés
ISBN-10: 1481495097
ISBN-13: 978-1481495097
Dimensiones del producto: 14 x 2.3 x 21 cm
Peso del envío: 295 g

Garantía del vendedor: 3 días